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Why Do Dogs Scratch the Ground After They Pee?

Pourquoi les chiens grattent-ils le sol après avoir piqué?

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Si vous êtes propriétaire d'un chien, les chances sont, vous êtes acclimatés à avoir des morceaux d'herbe et de la terre jetés dans votre visage - une merveille qui peut plus souvent être suivi à la propension canine impossible à rassembler des morceaux de la terre avec ses pattes et en les déplaçant vigoureusement dans l'air. 

The Dog Solution Les spécialistes vétérinaires appellent ce comportement "grattage au sol". Il est normalement expulsé comme une aggravation - une caractéristique étrange et inexpliquée de la conduite canine. En tout état de cause, l’enquête recommande qu’elle puisse également nous révéler une mesure considérable concernant les canines. 

In the first place, not all canines play out the strange custom of vaulting earth into the air. Truth be told, it is by all accounts a genuinely extraordinary conduct. [20 Weird Dog and Cat Behaviors Explained by Science] 

"It seems to happen similarly in guys and females, yet just around 10 percent of puppies do it," said Rosie Bescoby, a clinical creature behaviorist with the Association of Pet Behavior Counselors in the United Kingdom. The conduct is additionally activated by an exact arrangement of conditions: Typically, mutts put on this energetic execution just after they urinate or crap, when they enter another zone with new scents or after they notice another canine's crap, Bescoby revealed to Live Science. 

The Dog Solution Furthermore, ground scratching isn't selective to pooches; wolves, coyotes and different warm blooded animals, similar to lions, do it, as well. Truth be told, a few observational examinations on the ground-scratching propensities for these different creatures — particularly coyotes and wolves — have given analysts the absolute most supportive hints regarding why puppies may do it, said Carlo Siracusa, a veterinary behaviorist at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. 

"Dans les loups, par exemple, ils vivent en meute, car ils sont identifiés avec leur nature sociale", a révélé Siracusa à Live Science, en clarifiant les découvertes des examens passés. "Les créatures dominantes dans le peloton ont tendance à démontrer cette conduite pour délimiter leur domaine. Dans ce sens, elles tentent probablement d’envoyer des messages aux différents loups qui, au cas où ils franchiraient cette ligne, pourraient être agressé. Il est coordonné aux étrangers, pas aux créatures d'un pack similaire. " 
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This regional stamping process has two primary highlights, Siracusa said. To start with, there's a visual check — the scratches that the creature abandons on the ground. Second, there's the fragrance check abandoned by pee, or by liquids discharged by organs in the wolves' paws as they rub up soil and shower it over the ground. "Along these lines, this is the hypothesis behind it: Either you see me doing it, you see the soil that has been moved or you notice my fragrance," Siracusa said. 

How does this contrast with what we find in pooches? To begin with, ground scratching in household canines is regularly joined by pee stamping on an adjacent tree or bunch of grass, which reflects the regional checking conduct found in coyotes and wolves. Besides, mutts additionally seem to discharge uncommon stamping liquids from their paws. 

"It's indistinct whether [other] pooches are grabbing a fragrance from the scratch marks, yet we do know mutts have sweat organs on their cushions or potentially sebaceous organs in the hide between their toes," Bescoby said. 

Siracusa included that these organs in the feet likewise create pheromones, implying that pooches might leave these rancid substances in the dirt and afterward generally scattering them through their overwhelming kicking. This could give a ground-breaking concoction flag to different mutts that they've been there, Siracusa said. It's hazy accurately what work these pheromones have, so it's hard to reach inferences about what message they could send to different puppies, he forewarned. However, similarly as with wolves, it's reasonable that these pheromones give some notice to different creatures that they're adjacent. [Why Do Dogs Walk in Circles Before Lying Down?] 

Is this conduct forceful? 

Despite the fact that it's enticing to reach the determination that ground-scratching conduct is forceful — a method for currently debilitating different pooches with a battle on the off chance that they infringe on a differentiated area — Siracusa believes it's more nuanced than that. Trained creatures don't claim and oversee "regions" a similar way wild creatures do. 

Along these lines, he trusts that, rather than forcefully cautioning different canines to remain away, ground scratching may just be a pooch's method for telling others of their own essence — conceivably to decrease the probability that they'll experience each other in a bound region. As in, "I'm leaving a message just to tell you I'm near," Siracusa said. "Along these lines, in the event that you know me, and we're on great terms, it's OK for you to be around here. In any case, in the event that we don't get on so well, you might need to remain away." 

In his clinical work with canines, Siracusa has likewise seen (albeit just episodically) that ground scratching has a tendency to be more typical in apprehensive, shaky pets. In any case, this doesn't mean all ground scratchers are restless, he stressed; it's an altogether regular conduct and nothing to be worried about. 

Be that as it may, for edgier creatures particularly, it may be "an endeavor to control the space and make it more secure," in light of the fact that "they're really not a major devotee of meeting different pooches," Siracusa revealed to Live Science. That may likewise disclose why pooches tend to scratch the ground increasingly when they're in a new area and why female canines who are spayed do it in excess of ones who aren't, as per Bescoby. 

Dans l'ensemble, qu'est-ce que cela signifie pour les propriétaires d'animaux de compagnie qui se grattent? Selon Siracusa, l'approche la plus idéale pour gérer cette conduite consiste essentiellement à donner aux mutistes la possibilité de s'y prendre, plutôt que d'essayer de maîtriser leurs sens de la boue. 

"Dans l’ensemble, nous suggérons que les individus donnent au chiot la possibilité de démontrer cette conduite", at-il déclaré. En les empêchant d'échanger ces messages mystérieux avec différentes créatures - mais au moyen de douches de sable -, cela les incite simplement à se sentir plus impuissantes », a déclaré Siracusa. 

Teach Piano 336 x 280 - Animated En outre, le grattage au sol devient-il un véritable problème pour les chiens? Bescoby a dit non. "Juste pour les propriétaires qui grognent d'herbe et de boue qui se font pénétrer dans leurs visages!" dit-elle. 

Article unique sur Live Science.