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Breast Cancer Signs, Symptoms and Treatment [2018]

Breast cancer signs, symptoms and treatment.

 I do not promote violence
but today we want to teach you how to
whom do i want you to fight you ask
breast cancer because she's nasty and
I'm sick of her she kills over 40,000
women in the United States each year
she's the second leading cause of cancer
death among women one in eight women
will develop breast cancer in her
lifetime if you think you're safe
because no one in your entire family has

ever been diagnosed with breast cancer
think again because 85% of women
diagnosed with breast cancer have no
family history oh she's sneaky best
cancer deserves to be beaten so join me
peaceful people let's fight.


first cancer occurs when the normal
breast cells make a change and start
growing unchecked and out of control it
can happen in both women and men yes men
can get breast cancer so many
celebrities have been very open about
their battles with breast cancer such as
Robin Roberts Cynthia Dixon of Sex in
the City
the singer Sheryl Crow and Julia
louis-dreyfus of Seinfeld
when breast cancer is detected early and
treated it is very often curable in fact
breast cancer deaths have declined by
over 1/3 over the past three decades due
to screening early detection and better
treatments what are the symptoms of
breast cancer well the whole point of
breast cancer screening in early
detection is to detect breast cancer
before symptoms ever develop but when
symptoms do occur they can be as follows
breast hardness or a lump in the breast
which can be detected by
self-examination or examination by a
physician the breast may also change
size with breast cancer you can get
breast swelling one breast may become
larger than the other breast one breast
may hang lower than the other breast
another symptom skin changes .

If you have breast cancer the skin around
 the cancer can change it can become hard 
thick it can get dimpling or look something
 like an orange peel and oranges skin breast
pain even though breast cancer is
usually painless also nipple discharge
or even a bloody discharge of the nipple
especially in someone who is not
nipple changes can be symptomatic of
breast cancer as well nipple thickness
nipple itching nipple scaling an
inverted nipple can be a symptom of
breast cancer also lumps or swelling in
the underarms the armpit can be a
symptom of breast cancer and a late
symptom of breast cancer could be skin
breakdown or erosion ulceration at the
site of breast cancer again the point of
screening is to try to catch the breast
cancer before you develop symptoms but
if you have any of those symptoms you
must consult your physician and find out
if you are at risk for breast cancer.

Breast cancer screening screening is one
of our best weapons in the fight against
breast cancer
both examinations used to be recommended
every month
however self examinations have become a
bit controversial no studies have
actually proven that self breast
examinations plus mammograms are better
than mammograms alone and no studies
have actually proven that self
examinations decrease the death rate
from breast cancer that being said I
personally have taken care of patients
who have discovered breast lumps and who
have discovered their own breast cancer
through self breast examination so if
you do make the choice to do self breast
it is typically recommended that they
are done monthly you can do them lying
down flat you can do them while you're
in the shower and the key is to make
sure that you learn how to do it
correctly consult your physician you
want to move and touch all of the breast
tissue all of the nipple tissue feel for
hardness feel for lumps look for skin
changes fill in your underarms again
consult your physician and have that
discussion about self breast
examinations and if you do choose to do
them do them correctly physician
you should be visiting your physician
routinely and talk to your physician
about examining your breasts your
physician of course will be proficient
in examinations and detections of signs
of breast cancer the mammogram a
mammogram is a specialized x-ray of the
breast that is meant to detect breast
cancer very early even before symptoms
have the chance to develop you must
consult your physician to find out when
you should have your mammograms many
physicians recommend that ladies have
mammograms starting at the age of 40 but
depending on your risk factors your
family history you may need to have your
mammograms done at an earlier age some
physicians recommend that mammograms are
done every year some recommend that
mammograms are done every two years
depending on the patient at any rate it
is important that ladies have mammograms
done routinely in order to detect breast
cancer early in addition to the
mammogram there are several other
diagnostic screening and monitoring
tools for breast cancer including breast
MRIs breast ultrasounds cat-scans chest

x-rays bone scans biopsies consult your
physician to learn more about these
options as far as the treatments for
breast cancer they are getting better
and better and they can include surgery
chemotherapy radiation hormone therapy
again you must consult your physician
what is the purpose of genetic testing
genetic testing tests for genes that may
put you at a higher risk for developing
breast cancer the BRCA genes are
commonly used to test for breast cancer
risks the brca1 and the brca2 genes if
you test positive for a BRCA gene you
have up to a 65 percent lifetime risk of
developing breast cancer for this reason
some ladies who are found to be positive
of the BRCA gene make the very personal

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choice to have bilateral mastectomy if
they remove all the breast tissue from
both of their breasts to try to decrease
their risk of developing breast cancer
some celebrities who have shared this
very brave and bold choice include
Angelina Jolie as well as Christina
Applegate this ends my general overview
on how to fight breast cancer being
screened so that there can be early
detection and early treatment is the key
in the fight against breast cancer
remember each patient varies so make
sure you consult your physician and find
out which screening tools and which
treatments are best for you