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Ten Scandalous Freemason Secrets

Top ten scandalous freemason secrets theFreemasons are one of the most secretiveand controversial religious groups inthe world .

Masons have existed for
centuries and if we are to believe their
claims they've existed covered Lee for
even longer
whatever their history speculation has
always been an enjoyable pastime and
this is especially true in the case of
the Masons more scandalous secrets
having passed down traditions and
secrets from one generation of initiates
to the next they make it difficult to
know what's outdated and what's still
practiced consider these ten Masonic
activities as provisional facts we don't
know for sure but it's always an
interesting exercise to imagine what
might be going on behind our backs .

10 Freemasons are commanded notto testify truthfully

they will not testify truthfully against
each other Freemasons are commanded not
to testify truthfully when another Mason
is on trial they admit that it made the
perjury but to them it is a far greater
sin to not protect one of their own

 9 they have a secret handshake though somemembers deny it to the public.

the Freemasons have at least one secret
Masonic handshake supposedly there are
even phrases a freemason can utter when
facing grave danger causing other
members to rush to their aid the founder
of Mormonism Joseph Smith is said to
have uttered this phrase in the last
moments before his death .

 8 they have several secret passwords this is one ofthe best known facts .

about the Masons
but the general perception is that they
have just one password in fact there are
several passwords for various occasions
and reasons as the one person with the
final syllable for the ultimate secret
word was murdered they substituted more
bonzi for this word and only very few
people know the actual secret word this
secret word is used only for ceremonies
to Baal Kane is the more common
secret password on the tip of every
freemason tongue.

 7 their rituals involve
a nose the initiation.

rituals though
described by Mason's as beautiful
ceremonies include a noose it's hard to
tell whether this is meant as a threat a
call to maintain silence or simply as
the symbol of an umbilical cord as they
claim but in any case it's unusual
enough to warrant a mention .

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6 they're obsessed with the Sun Freemasons .

believe that the East symbolizes rebirth they
sing the Sun in its flight marveling at
its passage through the sky Masonic
lodges tend to be built in the east and
in the West as an attempt to control
solar power for their own purposes .

5 Mason's exclude atheists ..!

it's impossible
to become a freemason if you're an
atheist the first requirement is that
potential members must believe in a
higher power of some sort they claim not
to care what higher power that is but
you must define it for yourself you can
lie about it but religion seems to be a
point of Honor among them on the other
hand traditionally excluded groups such
as gay men are included in masonry so
long as they behave in the same moral
manner as other groups the temple still
excludes women but some groups are
currently challenging that fact for they
work to control politics and finance in
various countries the official
corruption of masonry is well documented
but often covered up half a million
Masons in England are disproportionately
involved in banking politics and
government even hospitals and
universities are often controlled by the
Masons .

3 their symbol is on the dollarbill if you've ever looked closely atthe u.s. 

dollar bill you've probably
seen the all-seeing eye above the
pyramid this symbol is a freemason
symbol and the Latin underneath is a
Mayson motto meaning new world order
many say that the decision to include
this Masonic symbol was not influenced
by Freemasons Benjamin Franklin being
the only Mason on the design committee
but the coincidence remains fascinating
all the same
to Anders Breivik was a Mason brick
responsible for the 2011 mass murder in
Norway was a member of the lodge of st.
Olaf in Oslo he was promptly excluded
but his degree of involvement within the
organization is open for debate
one Masons played a key role in space
some say that Mason's have an agenda to
take over the world but some Mason's
seem to have their sights set on the
moon astronauts in the Apollo program
including Buzz Aldrin where self
professed Masons their right flags have
been to the moon and back and Aldrin
seems to have claimed the moon for his
Masonic Lodge in Texas some of these
strange and scandalous secrets of the
Freemasons are obviously urban legends
and should be taken with a grain of salt
but others seem to contain a degree of
truth one thing is for certain masonry
is by no means an outdated cult it still
has many active members who seem to be
working for some purpose even if we
can't all agree on what that is