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Top 20 Genius & Simple Health Tips You Should Know

It seems like there's a new study out
everyday presenting scary medical news
figuring out how to stay healthy can be
really stressful and we all know that
stress isn't healthy fortunately there
are lots of simple ways to boost your
health from sleeping on your left side
to getting a pet even playing video
games can be good for you in moderation
prepare to be amazed by this list of 20
genius health tricks a magazine .

20 Sleeping on your left side you may

not think it matters .

which side you lie on when you go to bed 

but studies have shown you're better off 
 snoozing on your left side this position 
improves blood flow to your organs helping 
 the spleen and intestines work more efficiently
there's also a big bonus for heartburn
sufferers since several studies have
found that sleeping on your left side
apparently reduces heartburn no one
knows the exact reason for this but one
hypothesis holds that left side sleeping
keeps the junction between the stomach
and esophagus above the level of gastric
acid it seems very odd but it's all true
and the good thing is that left side
sleeping is a cool and easy trick
everyone can use  .

 19 Don't brush after eating .

after all since you were a kid you were 

probably told to brush your
teeth after every meal it turns out
that's not such a great idea acidic food
or drinks and even healthy foods like
fruits and vegetables are often very
acidic and can soften your tooth enamel
this raises the risk of tooth damage
with brushing a better idea is to wait
30 to 60 minutes after a meal to brush
those pearly whites.

18 Avoid bright lights before bed

you may like to relax before bed.

 by reading on your tablet surfing the

internet or updating your calendar on
your phone unfortunately even if these
things are relaxing they can prevent you
from sleeping soundly
it's the blue light produced by all our
electronic devices any kind of bright
lights at night interfere with the
production of melatonin a hormone that
helps us sleep several studies have
linked exposure
bright light at night to increase risk
of several forms of cancer heart disease
and obesity some preliminary evidence
suggests lower melatonin levels may
increase the risk of cancer if you like
to read a paper book is a better idea
than an e-reader but if you have to use
something with a screen a pair of amber
tinted glasses can reduce the blue light
and help you sleep better now that's a
bright idea.

17 Sitting correctly at a computer sitting 

 at a computer can leave.

you with all sorts of aches and pains and 

 poor posture is a big part of the
problem admit it
you sat up straighter just hearing that
improving posture is a good start but
there are other changes you can make to
reduce strain when sitting raise the
height of your chair put your keyboard
and mouse on your desktop surface and
move your monitor or laptop screen so
it's at exactly the height of your face
that way you won't strain your neck
looking down .

16 exercising longer is not a good way to

lose weight !! 

while experts agree exercise

has many health benefits it is not a
magic bullet for weight loss in fact
physical activity is usually only a tiny
percentage of your daily calorie burn
most of the calories you burn result
from your resting metabolism in other
words the basic functioning of your body
like breathing additionally many people
overeat after exercise because it makes
them hungry if you do exercise longer
sessions may seem like a good idea but
you'll actually get more metabolic
benefits from a shorter more intense
workout than a longer one high-intensity
interval training or HIIT helps you burn
more calories after you finish
exercising one study found those who do
at HIIT workout burned a hundred
calories more in the following 24 hours
than those who did a longer lower
intensity sweat session this can have
some weight loss benefits if you don't
follow your workout with a box of donuts
instead pack a healthy snack to eat
after you exercise as HIIT is most
effective when pay
with a healthy diet I'm not saying that
exercise is bad and you shouldn't do it
what I'm saying is that exercise alone
is not enough or as important as most
people think
instead put more focus on maintaining a
healthy diet and the way you exercise.

15 Smoothies energy bars and even some  

salads are not healthy.

 now that you know 

 diet and calories are more important than
exercise when it comes to losing weight
you may think ordering a salad is the
way to go salad certainly can be healthy as
vegetables like lettuce kale and carrots
and to be low in calories and high in
vitamins and fiber but some restaurants
add so much cheese salad dressing and
sometimes even fried meats to their
salads that they can top 1000 calories
if you're dining out ask for dressing on
the side so you can use a small amount
and limit the extra calories you can
also ask for the cheese on the side or
left off entirely if your salad comes
with meat ask for it to be grilled
instead of fried smoothies and energy
bars often have an unhealthy amount of
calories as well and it's always a good
idea to check the label before buying or
read a restaurants nutrition info online
before ordering .

 14 Loosen your tie to reduce your risk of glaucoma .!!!

wearing your tie too tight can be

uncomfortable not just for you but also
your eyeballs there's a reason some guys
think of their necktie as a noose in one
study of 40 men adjusting a tie -
slightly uncomfortable for only 3
minutes raised intra-ocular pressure a
leading cause of glaucoma so loosen up
that tie or better yet just use a
clip-on then you'll also save yourself
the stress of having to tie it every

13  The positive thinking it can make you

 feel more depressed .

you know the feeling

you're having a bad day and someone
attempts to help by telling you to look
on the bright side or have a positive
attitude if you find this annoying
instead of helpful you're not alone
studies have shown positive thinking it
provides only a marginal improvement in
the mood for those with high self-esteem
with lower self-esteem actually felt
worse probably because there's nothing
more depressing than a fake cheer when
you're having a lousy day many people
actually felt better when making a list
of negative things about themselves this
may be because once you've identified
your faults you can work to improve them.

12 Masturbating promotes a healthy sex.!!!

drive good news for the porn industry

masturbation is very healthy as it turns
out showing a little self love is not
only temporarily Pleasant it can also
help you have a better sex life in
general the more frequently you have
orgasms the more your body produces
libido increasing hormones
Dr. Darius Baduk director of sexual
health at Weill Cornell Medical College
found out that among his patients this
leads to a higher sex drive .

11 Beware of the new car smell  so much that even.!

many people love that new

car smell so much that even sold as a
variety of air freshener but getting a
good whiff of the real thing could
actually be bad for your health the
inside of a new car contains plastics
adhesives and fabrics and when these are
concentrated in a small space like the
inside of a new vehicle they can release
harmful gases especially in high
temperatures as much as you might love
that new car smell it's much healthier
to roll down the windows and let it
escape especially in warm weather.

10 Yogic breathing improves lung.

function and blood flow to the brain

Ramayana sounds like something you
might order at that new Indian
restaurant downtown but it's actually a
yoga breathing principle Yoga is healthy
in general but if you don't have time to
bend yourself into a pretzel
you can still benefit from Ramayana
this technique brings more oxygen to the
blood and brain and it can improve lung
function just don't take any deep
calming breaths in your new car .

9 Get a pet if you already have a pet you

probably know your furry friend can help
reduce stress .!

many studies have shown

having a pet lowers blood pressure and
can even reduce the risk of depression
seniors with Alzheimer's have fewer
outburst when an animal shares their
home walking a dog is also a good
exercise but your pet doesn't have to be
furry and forelegs
watching fish swimming in aquarium has
been shown to be just as relaxing .

8 Gardening reduces stress and symptoms of
depression .!!!

another good way to relieve

stress involves getting down and dirty
in the garden that is one study in the
Netherlands showed that gardening
reduces stress even better than other
relaxing activities like reading a book
spending time outside and away from
digital devices combat stress and
attention fatigue and can even reduce
symptoms of depression growing healthy
fresh produce that you can eat and
soaking up some vitamin D from the Sun
or other benefits of the outdoor
activity .

7 The ketogenic diet Doesn't Just Help 

With Weight Loss. It May Also
 Prevent Major Diseases.

If you have friends or family members 
who've lost weight or are very focused
 on their health, chances are you've heard
 of the ketogenic diet.
As those who've adopted the low-carb,
 high-fat diet will tell you, it comes with
 many health benefits, especially when it 
comes to dropping extra pounds. But did you
 know that besides making it easier for you 
stay in shape, it could potentially prevent
 major diseases as well?

According to HealthLine, over 20 studies
 show that following the ketogenic diet will 
help with weight loss, and may even prevent 
significant diseases such as diabetes, cancer,
 epilepsy, and Alzheimer’s disease. But it gets
 even better.

 6 Bird watching is heart healthy .!!!

 bird watching may sound like a
sedentary pursuit but it can actually be
good exercise many bird watchers spend
time walking through the woods while
looking for unusual varieties of the
feathered creatures walking two miles an
hour for two hours can burn almost 400
calories and the fresh air and immersion
in nature can also help reduce stress.

5 Playing a musical instrument
even if you're not a musical genius.!!!

playing an instrument has many health
benefits it improves hand-eye
coordination and fine motor skills
better still it can increase your IQ by
seven points and it's never too late to
start both kids and adults reap these
brain benefits adults who play
instruments also have lower blood
pressure as for the people who listen to
you play well we'll get back to you on

4 Playing video games you may
have heard  that sitting .!!

on a couch and
playing video games is unhealthy and
doing so all day has its downsides but
playing video games also has health
benefits it reduces stress and
depression and can even help relieve
physical pain however this is another
situation where moderation is key you
should still try to keep your screen
time to two hours a day or less .

3 Stop trying to shape up your butt sir.!

mix-a-lot may have been on to something
when he rapped about how much he likes
big butts while many of us think of this
as a problem area that we want to reduce
with diet and exercise the fat stored
there is not your enemy in fact junk in
the trunk contains an anti-inflammatory
that prevents arteries from becoming
clogged and reduces the risk of heart
disease diabetes and Stroke back that
thing up .

2 Surfing the internet we've all heard how
unhealthy .!!!

it is to spend the whole day
in front of a computer but sometimes
spent surfing the Internet is actually
healthy researchers at UCLA discovered
searching the web whose brain health in
those middle-aged and older it may even
slow some of the effects of aging on the
brain by stimulating areas that control
language memory and complex reasoning
just make sure you take breaks and
stretch while exploring the world wide
web .

1 Mono kissing can be a
very healthy activity.

 the extra saliva from swapping spit can
 help break down
oral plaque on teeth reducing the risk
of cavities and other dental problems
just don't give up your toothbrush
brushing is still a better way of
cleaning teeth guessing may even help
you lose a little weight by increasing
your metabolic rate and burning extra
calories who knew it could be such a
good way to kiss calories goodbye what's
the most surprising health tip you've
learned hopefully .

This video has been
helpful did you learn anything new
also which one did you think was the
best and you know of any others .

please let me know in the comments down below.